We are committed to bringing you useful, innovative, best value products that can be helpful to most.
To do that we have teamed-up Financial Advisors a of America Inc. a nationwide 'Financial Advisory' services company, known for their innovative products, and because they have
Proven Track Record (www.FAOAI.com)
Also, for their proprietary, revolutionary, 1st of its kind Life Insurance with "LIVING BENEFITS".
A new kind of life insurance that pays while STILL ALIVE! At diagnosis (YES, at Diagnosis) - of health problems like:
Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke and other Critical injury or sickness.
When INCOME STOPS! (due to health problems)
This "LIVING BENEFITS" life insurance can prevent financial disaster that follows.
AFFORDABLE: Costs the SAME as regular Death ONLY Life Ins.
(this LBs includes death benefit too).
"LIVING BENEFITS" are included at NO Extra charge (huge value).
Financial Advisors of America Inc.
You will learn:
HOW TO: Safely grow your money no matter what happens to the Stock Market, Economy, Taxes or even your Health.
HOW TO: Loss & Recession proof your money!
HOW TO: TAX-FREE your IRAs & 401Ks, instead of just Tax-deferred
(much more payout for the SAME dollars)
. HOW TO: Have your Life insurance to PAY -OUT while you are still alive.
HOW TO: Get ONLY the upside of stock market WITHOUT downside risk.
and much more.....
This is the 1st and ONLY ONE of its kind course - based on Federal Reserve Bank study report.
For Homeowners, With BUILT-UP Equity!
Who are worried about losing that equity in the next housing downturn/crash as it happened in 2006, 07 & 08.
This course has proven and time-tested strategies to Protect - that Built-up EQUITY or you will guaranteed lose, when home prices go down.
PLUS, course shows you where to safely invest to SAFELY grow that equity money -- based on Federal Reserve Bank recommendations.
NEW Kind of Life insurance with "LIVING BENEFITS", Pays-off at:
DIAGNOSIS : Yes at Diagnosis - of health problems like: Heart Attack, Cancer, Stroke or other Chronic or Critical Illness or Injury. And if nothing happens then pays-off eventually at Death like any other life insurance policy.
AFFORDABLE : Costs the SAME as regular Death ONLY life insurance. 'Living Benefits' are included at No EXTRA charge
POLICY EXCHANGE PROGRAM: You can even exchange your current Death ONLY Life ins. for this with 'Living Benefits' - see if you qualify: